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Committees and Boards

Board of Directors

Marcello Froldi Negro

Marcello Froldi Negro

Chair of the Board and Member appointed by the Ministry of Economy

Leonardo Faletti

Leonardo Faletti

Independent Member appointed by the Ministry of Economy

Maria Izolda Cela de Arruda Coelho

Maria Izolda Cela de Arruda Coelho

Member appointed by the Ministry of Finance

Adauto Modesto Júnior

Adauto Modesto Júnior

Member appointed by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services.

Luiz Alberto da Silva Júnior

Luiz Alberto da Silva Júnior

Independent Member representing Minority Shareholders Owning Common Voting Shares

Romildo Carneiro Rolim

Romildo Carneiro Rolim

Representative of the Employees of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.

Paulo Henrique Saraiva Câmara

Paulo Henrique Saraiva Câmara

Chief Executive Officer of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.

Audit Committee

João Décio Ames

João Décio Ames


Leonardo Faletti

Leonardo Faletti

Member of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee

Luiz Alberto de Castro Falleiros

Luiz Alberto de Castro Falleiros

Member of the Audit Committee

João Andrade Vieira da Silva

João Andrade Vieira da Silva

Member of the Audit Committee

Fiscal Council

Mário José Dehon São Thiago Santiago

Mário José Dehon São Thiago Santiago

1st Representative of the Ministry of Economy

Márcio Gonçalves

Márcio Gonçalves

1st Representative of the Ministry of Economy

Fernanda Peixoto Souto

Fernanda Peixoto Souto

Representative of the Brazilian Treasury

Luciana Maria Rocha Moreira

Luciana Maria Rocha Moreira

Representative of the Brazilian Treasury

José Laédio Medeiros

José Laédio Medeiros

Representative of Minority Shareholders Owning Common Shares

Board of Directors

Marcello Froldi Negro

He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil since 2023. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from PUC-SP and worked as an Open Market trader at JP Morgan from 1990 to 1992. At Banco Fibra S.A., he served as Junior Fixed Income Trader, Fixed Income Trader, and Senior Fixed Income Trader, as well as Foreign Exchange Trader and Foreign Exchange Manager from 1992 to 1999. At Banco BMC S.A., he served as a Senior Foreign Exchange Derivatives Trader and Superintendent of Treasury, from 2000 to 2007. At Banco Fator S.A., he served as Treasury Manager from 2007 to 2011, and as Statutory Treasury Officer from 2011 to 2021. At Fator Administração de Recursos Ltda., he served as a Director from 2021 to 2022 and Managing Partner from 2022 to February 2023. Currently, he is a Special Advisor to the Ministry of Finance.

Leonardo Faletti

He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil since June 2021. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ. He is currently a Managing Partner at KOLME Desenvolvimento Empresarial and a member of the Fiscal Council of the Institute for Development and Management – IDG (Museu do Amanhã). He was also a member of the Fiscal Council of INVEPAR and a member of the Fiscal Council and Board of Directors of Sauípe, where he chaired the Board of Directors. He worked at Banco do Brasil from 1977 to 2012, where he engaged in several projects of the organizational development area, in the States of Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. He also served at PREVI as Human Resources and Organizational Manager and as Executive Manager for the areas of Administrative Support, Procurement, and Hiring; as well as Real Estate Ownership Interest and Management, being responsible for managing an income-generating real estate portfolio with a wealth of around R$1.5 billion. He was responsible for implementing and developing BBDTVM’s Structured Funds Management Department. He also developed skills in Governance of Real Estate Ownership Interest (commercial and hotel buildings and shopping malls), Strategic Planning, Organizational Structure Review, Process Mapping and Optimization, Negotiations, People Management, Conflict Management, and Structured Funds Structuring and Management, among others.

Maria Izolda Cela de Arruda Coelho

He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil since May 2023. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), a specialization degree in Public Administration from the University of Vale do Acaraú (UVA), and a master’s degree in Public Education Management and Assessment from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). She has been Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Education since January 01, 2023, was Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education of the Municipality of Sobral, in the state of Ceará, from 2001 to 2003, and headed said department from 2004 to 2006.
She served as Secretary of the Ceará State Department of Education from 2007 and 2014. Between 2015 and March 2022, she was Lieutenant Governor of the State of Ceará and became Governor of said State in April 2022.

Adauto Modesto Júnior

He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil since May 2023. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of São Paulo (USP), a master’s degree in Public Policies from Harvard Kennedy School, is a Federal Auditor of Finance at the Brazilian Treasury Secretariat, and currently holds the position of Deputy Executive Secretary at the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services. He was Superintendent of Development at the São Paulo Development Agency – Desenvolve SP in 2022 and Chief Economist for the Minas Gerais Development Bank from 2019 to 2021. Additionally, he held other leadership positions in the Federal Government, including Internal Management Secretary of the National Film Agency, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, and Deputy Chief of Analysis and Monitoring of Government Policies (SAG) of the Office of the President’s Chief of Staff.

Luiz Alberto da Silva Júnior

He is an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. (BNB), representing Minority Shareholders Owning Common Shares, elected on March 31, 2023. He was a Sitting Member of BNB’s Fiscal Council (representing the Minority Shareholders Owning Common Shares) from March 2021 to March 2023. He is a former employee of BNB, where he held various positions, including Superintendent in the State of Piauí, Business and Government Environment Manager, Corporate University Manager, and Manager of BNB branches in São Paulo, Fortaleza – Distrito Industrial, and Maceió. Still at BNB, he coordinated the Strategic Corporate University Project and Organizational Restructuring Project. He earned a bachelor’s degree (1995) and a master’s degree (2008) in Business Administration from the University of Fortaleza – Unifor. He also did an MBA at Fundação Instituto de Administração-FIA/University of São Paulo – USP (2008) and a Master of Business Administration and Marketing at CV&C/CDL, in the City of Fortaleza, State of Ceará, in 2002. Furthermore, he pursued Marketing and Management at the College of Business and Public Affairs of the University of Tennessee at Martin, USA, in 2001.

Romildo Carneiro Rolim

He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A (BNB) since April 04, 2023, and represents the Company’s Employees. He is an accountant, administrator, business management expert, and specialist in international rules and standards of internal audit, and pursued a master’s degree in Public Policy Assessment. He also received the CPA-10 and CPA-20 certifications issued by ANBIMA. Moreover, he worked at agencies, held technical positions related to project analysis and monitoring, and managed the Credit Transactions Analysis and Monitoring Environment, the Ceará State Credit Recovery Unit, the Internal Control Environment, and the Internal Audit Environment. He was Superintendent of Financial Transactions and Capital Markets and Superintendent of Asset Restructuring. He also was Chief Financial and Credit Officer from 2014 to 2017 and Chief Executive Officer of Banco do Nordeste from 2017 to 2021.

Paulo Henrique Saraiva Câmara

He was elected in the 815th Board of Directors’ Meeting held on March 29, 2023. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics, a graduate degree in Accounting and Public Controllership, and a master’s degree in Public Administration for the Development of Northeastern Brazil from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). He has been an Auditor at the Pernambuco State Accounting Court since 1995. He was Secretary of Administration, Tourism, and Finance of the State of Pernambuco between 2007 and 2014 and Governor of said State between 2015 and 2022.

Executive Board

Paulo Henrique Saraiva Câmara

Chief Executive Officer

He was elected in the 815th Board of Directors’ Meeting held on March 29, 2023. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics, a graduate degree in Accounting and Public Controllership, and a master’s degree in Public Administration for the Development of Northeastern Brazil from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). He has been an Auditor at the Pernambuco State Accounting Court since 1995. He was Secretary of Administration, Tourism, and Finance of the State of Pernambuco between 2007 and 2014 and Governor of said State between 2015 and 2022.

Ana Teresa Barbosa de Carvalho

Management Officer

Ana Teresa Barbosa de Carvalho earned an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Fortaleza (CE). She worked as Administrative-Financial Coordinator at Agropaulo Agroindústria S/A, from March/2008 to December/2010. She was the mayor of the City of Jaguaruana, in the State of Ceará, from January/2013 to December/2016; President of Instituto Agropolos do Ceará (IACE) from July/2017 to December/2021; and Secretary of Agricultural Development of the Government of the State of Ceará, from January/2022 to December/2022.

Thiago Alves Nogueira

Third-Party Director

Thiago Alves Nogueira is the Third-Party Director of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., elected on 07/08/2020 by the Board of Directors, having taken office on 07/09/2020. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the State University of Ceará (UECE) and a graduate degree in Economics from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). He has a solid academic background, with a professional master’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with a concentration in Finance and Insurance. He was a Consultant and Deputy Acquisition Manager at Banco HSBC and worked as the Coordinator of Research and Projects at IEPRO (Institute of Studies, Research, ana Projects of UECE). He joined Banco do Nordeste in 2006, at the Canindé-CE branch, and has been working at the Third-Party Management department for over 12 years, having worked as a Consultant, Business Management, Financial Transactions Manager, Executive Manager of the operations desk, and Manager of the Investment Fund Environment. He also holds the main Professional Certifications required by the regulatory and self-regulatory bodies of the financial and capital markets, such as the Anbima Managers Certification (CGA), the Anbima Professional Certification Series 20 (CPA 20), the Anbima Investment Specialists Certification (CEA), the Apimec National Investment Professional Certification (CNPI), and Authorization to provide services as Securities Portfolio Manager – CVM (CVM Declaratory Act 17,707, of 02/02/20 – D.O.U. 43, of 03/04/20).

Leonardo Victor Dantas da Cruz

Control and Risk Officer

Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the State University of Paraíba (PB) and is pursuing an Executive MBA in Law – Management and Business Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas. He was Parliamentary Advisor to the Federal Senate from June 2012 to September 2013; Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Airports of the Civil Aviation Secretariat of the Presidency of Brazil (DAS 101.4) from September 2013 to May 2015; Secretary of Airports of the Civil Aviation Secretariat of the Presidency of Brazil (DAS 101.6) from May 2015 to April 2017; Advisor to the National Civil Aviation Secretariat of the Ministry of Transportation, Ports and Civil Aviation (DAS 102.4) from April 2017 to May 2018; Advisor to the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Transportation, Ports and Civil Aviation (DAS 102.4) from May 2018 to January 2019; Member of the Board of Directors of São Paulo International Airport – GRU Airport from October 2015 to March 2019; and Lawer since 2012.

Anderson Aorivan da Cunha Possa

Business Officer

Anderson Aorivan da Cunha Possa is the Business Officer of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. (BNB), elected at the 691st Board of Directors’ Meeting held on July 29, 2020. He earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Université de Bordeaux (FR), a Master’s degree in Finance from Sorbonne Business School (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – FR), a Master’s degree in Economics from IDP-DF, a graduate degree in Civil Procedure from CESUSC-SC, and an undergraduate degree in Law from the University of Passo Fundo. He has been a career employee of Caixa Econômica Federal since 2000, where he held several executive positions, including National Superintendent and Consultant to the Vice-President’s Office, at the Head Office, in Brasília/Federal District, Executive Superintendent, Regional Manager, General Manager, and Business Portfolio Manager in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. He also served as Business Superintendent of the Public Sector at the São Paulo Development Bank, DESENVOLVE SP, in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo. He has experience in the areas of Administration, Finance, and Business, with emphasis on Financial Institutions Administration, focusing mainly on Banking and Financial Market. He was trained in corporate governance programs for board members and business administrators, with emphasis on financial institutions and the capital market, by Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC). He holds the Anbima Professional Certification – Series 20 (CPA 20).

José Aldemir Freire

Planning Officer

Planning Officer of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A (BNB), elected at the 826th extraordinary Board of Directors’ meeting held on May 08, 2023. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with a specialization in Regional Economics from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). He has been Secretary of State for Planning and Finance of the Government of Rio Grande do Norte since 2019. He has been a career servant of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) since 2002.

Wanger Antônio de Alencar Rocha

Financial and Credit and Investors Relations Officer

Chief Financial, Credit and Investor Relations Officer – Wanger Antônio de Alencar Rocha is the Chief Financial and Credit Officer of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A (BNB), elected at the 828th Extraordinary Board of Directors’ Meeting held on May 22, 2023. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Fundação Visconde de Cairu (Salvador/BA), a graduate degree in Higher Education Methodology from UFBA (Salvador/BA) in 2002, and an MBA in Public Management from Fundação para Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Administração, Contabilidade e Economia (Fundace/USP), in 2005. He was Regional Superintendent of the Government of Banco do Brasil in the States of Paraná and Bahia, from July 2008 to July 2015; Business Officer of Banco do Nordeste from August 2015 to April 2016, and from February 2020 to July 2020; Special Advisor to the Presidency of Banco do Nordeste, from May 2016 to January 2020; Asset Management Superintendent for Productive Development from May 2022 to July 2023; Superintendent of Project Development and Monitoring from January 2023 to May 2023, both positions held at the Economic Development Secretariat of Bahia.

Audit Committee

João Décio Ames

He is a sitting member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. He was a long-term employee of Banco do Brasil S.A. (between 1986 and 2018) and held the positions of Audit Manager, International Audit Assistant Manager (in London), Head of Audit at Banco do Brasil AG, in Vienna, Austria, and Executive Internal Audit Manager. He was Coordinator of the Audit Committees of Brasilcap Capitalização S.A., BB Mapfre SH1 Participações S.A. (current Brasilseg), and Mapfre BB SH2 Participações S.A. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Law from the Federal University of Santa Maria, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and in Accounting from Fema/PUC-RS; he has a graduate degree in Tax Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, and an MBA in Audit from Fipecafi/University of São Paulo (USP). He is a Fiscal Council Member certified by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC.

Leonardo Faletti

He is a Member of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A., a Sitting Member of the People, Eligibility, Succession, and Compensation Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ. He is currently a Partner-Director of KOLME Business Development and a Fiscal Council member of the Institute for Development and Management – IDG (Museu do Amanhã). He was also a member of the Fiscal Council of INVEPAR and a member of Fiscal Councils and Boards of Directors of Sauípe, where he chaired the Board of Directors. He worked at Banco do Brasil from 1977 to 2012, where he engaged in several projects of the organizational development area, in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. He also served at PREVI as Human Resources and Organizational Manager and as Executive Manager for the areas of Administrative Support, Procurement, and Hiring; as well as Real Estate Ownership Interest and Management, being responsible for managing an income-generating real estate portfolio with a wealth of around R$1.5 billion. He was responsible for implementing and developing BBDTVM’s Structured Funds Management Department. He also developed skills in Governance of Real Estate Ownership Interest (commercial and hotel buildings and shopping malls), Strategic Planning, Organizational Structure Review, Process Mapping and Optimization, Negotiations, People Management, Conflict Management, and Structured Funds Structuring and Management, among others.

Luiz Alberto de Castro Falleiros

He is a Member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A, earned a bachelor’s and a graduate degree in Economics, and an MBA in Finance. He worked as an investment analyst at Banco Itaú S/A and Banco Multiplic S/A and served as Underwriting Assistant Director at Banco ABC-ROMA. He was a consultant at Cavalcante&Associados, a consultancy focused on finance, investment projects, cost, and corporate financial restructuring courses. He took over as Superintendent of Market Relations at SABESP, to implement a company formation policy alongside investors and analysts in Brazil and abroad. He worked as Corporate Finance General Manager at Banco Alfa de Investimento S/A, later serving at the Sales Office, being responsible for structuring operations. He is the founder of FASCE – Assessoria e Consultoria Empresarial S/S Ltda, which engages in corporate governance, investor relations, and business assessment. Since 2000, he has been a member of Boards of Directors and Fiscal Councils of several organizations.

João Andrade Vieira da Silva

He is a member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A and has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Sergipe. He was a Coder, Systems Analyst, and Professor of the Computing Department of said university. He earned an MBA in Finance and a master’s degree in Economics and Finance from FGV-SP. He worked at Banco do Estado de Sergipe – BANESE from 1982 to 2013, managed the Information Technology area for over 15 years, and held the positions of Chief Credit Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank twice. At BANESE, he was responsible for implementing banking automation systems and for creating and implementing the credit card BANESECARD and the Bank Correspondents Network. He was Secretary of Administration of the Municipal Government of Aracaju, in the state of Sergipe (SE), and President of the Urban Services Company of Aracaju, in the State of Sergipe. He was also Secretary of State of the Ministry of Finance of Sergipe and Chair of the Board of Directors of Banco do Estado de Sergipe. He was a member of numerous Institutional Councils of the Sergipe State Government and Boards of Directors of Companies owned by the State of Sergipe. He served as a specialized financial consultant in CAPGEMINI BRASIL’s financial services unit, engaging in strategic business projects together with CAIXA and Grupo BRADESCO (Bank and Insurance Company). He was a professor of Economics and Finance graduate programs at Universidade Estácio. He is Superintendent of the Secretariat for Inclusion and Social Assistance of the State of Sergipe. He is a general insurance broker certified by the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP). Additionally, he has competence in business and IT applied to the financial sector, with a focus on retail banks, insurance companies, and credit card and payment processing companies (involving disruptive technologies), as well as on digital banking, open banking, and open insurance projects.

Fiscal Council

Mario José Dehon São Thiago Santiago

He is a sitting member representing the Ministry of Economy on the Fiscal Council of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, elected in 2023. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, and a graduate degree in Tax Law and Contemporary Management, both of which from FGV. He has been a Tax Auditor at the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service since 1995. He was awarded 1st place in the Creativity and Innovation Award of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB) in 2017 and 2021 and 3rd place in 2022. He earned the Commander Title from the Brazilian Navy in 2019 and received the Noé Winckler Tax Audit Medal from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service in 2017, the Alferes Tiradentes Medal from the Minas Gerais State Police in 2022, and the Washington Luís Medal from the Brazilian Federal Highway Police in 2023. He is currently Subsecretary of Collection, Registration, and Service at the Special Secretariat of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

Márcio Gonçalves

He is an alternate member representing the Ministry of Economy on the Fiscal Council of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, elected in 2023. He has a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a graduate degree in Contemporary Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). He was also a social security analyst at the National Institute of Social Security – INSS from 2003 to 2006 and a tax analyst at the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service – RFB from 2006 to 2010. He has been a tax auditor at the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service since 2010.

Fernanda Peixoto Souto

She is a Sitting Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, elected in March 2021. She has been Federal Finance and Control Auditor since 2014 and was nominated Chief of Staff of the Brazilian Treasury Secretariat in April 2020. She served as an Analyst in the Operational Risk area from July 2014 to February 2015 and in the Economic Advisory area from February 2015 and December 2016. She earned a master’s degree in Public Policies and Development from the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) in 2019, a graduate degree in Financial Analysis from Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal in 2012, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universidade de Brasília – UNB in 2010.

Luciana Maria Rocha Moreira

She has been an Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A since September 2020. She has also been a Finance and Control Technician at the Brazilian Treasury Secretariat since January 1996 and is currently linked to the General Coordination of Public Debt Control – CODIV/STN/Ministry of Finance. She was a Member of the Fiscal Councils of Companhia de Saneamento de Sergipe – DESO (May 2018 – July 2020); BB Consórcios (April 2017 – August 2018); BBAtivos S.A. Securitizadora de Créditos Financeiros (April 2012 – April 2017); BESC Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Imobiliários S.A. – BESCVAL (April 2009 – April 2012); and NOSSA CAIXA Capitalização S.A. (April 2011 – April 2012). She has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília – CEUB (1990-1994), an MBA in Public Debt Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas (2001-2002), and took courses on “Managing Resources for Development in a Trouble Financial Market,” at the Center for Latin American Issues, in 2012, and “Theory and Operation of a Modern National Economy,” at the George Washington University, in 2008, all in Washington, D.C.

Sustainability, Risk and Capital Committee

Antônio Martiningo Filho


He has been a Member of the Risk and Capital Committee since March 26, 2018 and of the People, Eligibility, Succession and Compensation Committee since March 28, 2018. He was Senior Auditor and coordinated the audit work of Banco do Brasil’s Internal Audit Unit for five years. At Banco do Brasil, he served as Division Manager of the Legal Office for four years, as Master Advisor to Internal Audit at headquarters, and as Audit Manager of the Department of Finance, Financial Market and Risk Management in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to being Executive Manager of the Internal Audit’s Administration Committee. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade São Francisco. He earned MBAs in Internal Audit from the University of São Paulo and in Asset Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He also has a master’s degree in Business Administration – People Management and Organizational Behavior from Universidade de Brasília.

Saumíneo da Silva Nascimento

He has been a Member of the Risk and Capital Committee and the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. since January 2021. He has already been State Superintendent of Banco do Nordeste, Officer at the Superintendence for the Development of Northeastern Brazil (SUDENE), Chief Executive Officer of Banco do Estado de Sergipe S.A. (BANESE), and Secretary of Economic Development, Science, and Technology of the State of Sergipe. He has also been professor of Economics at Universidade Federal de Sergipe and at Faculdade São Luís de França. He is an Economist, has a bachelor’s degree in Law, earned specialization degrees in Foreign Trade, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Rural Administration and Business Economics, and a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Geography, as well as a postdoc in Intellectual Property Science. He also pursued programs in the USA at Babson College (Boston), at the Inter-American Development Bank – BID, and at the George Washington University (Washington). He has a financial certification issued by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities – ANBIMA (CPA-20) and an ombudsman certification issued by the National School of Public Administration (ENAP).

José Monteiro Varanda Neto

He has been a Member of the Risk and Capital Committee since March 26, 2018. He was Superintendent of Risk and Quantitative Analysis at Banco Fator between January 2002 and April 2009, and Executive Head of Risk and Compliance at Banco Schahin from June 2009 to August 2010. He was also Statutory Risk Officer at Banco Banif from September 2010 to November 2012. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering and in Economics and a graduate degree and an MBA in Finance, all from the University of São Paulo, in addition to a master’s degree in Corporate Finance from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Moreover, he earned a master’s degree in Macroeconomics from São Paulo School of Economics at Fundação Getulio Vargas and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics at the same institution.

Décio José Padilha da Cruz

He has been a Member of the Risk and Capital Committee since June 27, 2023. He has been a Tax Auditor at the Pernambuco State Tax Authority since 1994. He was Secretary of Finance of the State of Pernambuco in 2014 (holding the same position from 2019 to 2022) and Secretary of Administration of the State of Pernambuco between 2012 and 2014. He was also President of Companhia Pernambucana de Gás of the State of Pernambuco from 2015 to 2017. He was Chief Commercial Officer and Corporate Management Officer of Companhia Pernambucana de Saneamento of the State of Pernambuco between 2007 and 2011 and subsequently in 2018. He was President of the Tax Policy Council of the State of Pernambuco from 2019 to 2022 and President of the National Committee of Secretaries of Treasury, Finance and Tax of the Brazilian States and the Federal District between 2022 and January 2023. He was Chair of the Fiscal Council of Companhia Pernambucana de Gás of the State of Pernambuco between 2012 and 2014 and member of the Board of Directors of Companhia Pernambucana de Gás of the State of Pernambuco between 2015 and 2017. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade Estadual de Pernambuco.

People, Eligibility, Succession and Compensation Committee

Antônio Martiningo Filho

Member of the Sustainability, Risk and Capital Committee

He has been a Member of the Risk and Capital Committee since March 26, 2018. He was Senior Auditor and coordinated the audit work of Banco do Brasil’s Internal Audit Unit for 5 years. At Banco do Brasil, he served as Division Manager of the Legal Office for four years, as Master Advisor to Internal Audit at headquarters, and as Audit Manager of the Department of Finance, Financial Market and Risk Management in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to being Executive Manager of the Internal Audit’s Administration Committee. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Universidade São Francisco, earned MBAs in Internal Audit from the University of São Paulo and in Asset Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He also has a master’s degree in Business Administration – People Management and Organizational Behavior from Universidade de Brasília.

João Andrade Vieira da Silva

Member of the Audit Committee


He is a member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A and has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Federal de Sergipe. He was Coder, Systems Analyst and Professor of the Computing Department of said university. He earned an MBA in Finance and a master’s degree in Economics and Finance from FGV-SP. He worked at Banco do Estado de Sergipe – BANESE from 1982 to 2013, managed the Information Technology area for over 15 years and held the positions of Chief Credit Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank twice. At BANESE, he was responsible for implementing banking automation systems and for creating and implementing the credit card BANESECARD and the Bank Correspondents Network. He was Secretary of Administration of the Municipal Government of Aracaju, in the state of Sergipe (SE), and President of the Urban Services Company of Aracaju – SE. He was also Secretary of State of the Ministry of Finance of Sergipe and Chair of the Board of Directors of Banco do Estado de Sergipe. He was a member of numerous Institutional Councils of the Sergipe State Government and of Boards of Directors of Companies owned by the State of Sergipe.

He served as a specialized financial consultant in CAPGEMINI BRASIL’s financial services unit, engaging in strategic business projects together with CAIXA and Grupo BRADESCO (Bank and Insurance Company). He was professor of economics and finance graduate programs at Universidade Estácio. He is Superintendent of the Secretariat for Inclusion and Social Assistance of the State of Sergipe. He is a general insurance broker certified by the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP). He has competence in business and IT applied to the financial sector, with a focus on retail banks, insurance companies, and credit card and payment processing companies (involving disruptive technologies), as well as on digital banking, open banking and open insurance projects.

João Décio Ames

Member of the Audit Committee

He is a sitting member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A, was a long-term employee of Banco do Brasil S.A. (between 1986 and 2018) and held the positions of Audit Manager, International Audit Assistant Manager
(in London), Head of Audit at Banco do Brasil AG, in Vienna, Austria, and Executive Internal Audit Manager. He was Coordinator of the Audit Committee of Brasilcap Capitalização S.A., BB Mapfre SH1 Participações S.A. (current Brasilseg), and Mapfre BB SH2 Participações S.A. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Law from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and in Accounting from Fema/PUC-RS, has a graduate degree in Tax Law from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, and an MBA in Audit from Fipecafi/University of São Paulo (USP). He is also a fiscal council member certified by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC.

Leonardo Faletti

Member of the Board of Directors

He has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil since June 2021, earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ. He is currently a Managing Partner at KOLME Desenvolvimento Empresarial and a member of the Fiscal Council of the Institute for Development and Management – IDG (Museu do Amanhã). He was also a member of the Fiscal Council of INVEPAR and the Fiscal Council and Board of Directors of Sauípe S.A., where he chaired the Board of Directors. He worked at Banco do Brasil from 1977 to 2012, where he engaged in several projects of the organizational development area, in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Santa Catarina. He also served at PREVI as Human Resources and Organizational Manager and as Executive Manager for the areas of Administrative Support, Procurement and Hiring; as well as Real Estate Ownership Interest and Management, being responsible for managing an income-generating real estate portfolio with wealth of around R$1.5 billion. He was responsible for implementing and developing BBDTVM’s Structured Funds Management Department. He also developed skills in Real Estate Ownership Interest Governance (commercial and hotel buildings, and shopping malls), Strategic Planning, Organizational Structure Review, Process Mapping and Optimization, Negotiations, People Management, Conflict Management, and Structured Funds Structuring and Management, among others.

Luiz Alberto da Silva Júnior

Member of the Board of Directors

He is an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil – BNB (representing the Minority Shareholders) and was elected on March 31, 2023. He was a Sitting Member of BNB’s Fiscal Council (representing the Minority Shareholders) from March 2021 to March 2023. He is a former employee of BNB, where he held various positions, including Superintendent in the State of Piauí, Business and Government Environment Manager, Corporate University Manager, and Manager of BNB branches in São Paulo, Fortaleza – Distrito Industrial, and Maceió. At the Company, he also coordinated the following projects: Strategic Project for the Organizational Redesign of the Administrative Area; Strategic Corporate University Project; and Organizational Restructuring Project. He earned a bachelor’s (1995) and a master’s (2008) degree in Business Administration from Universidade de Fortaleza – Unifor. He also did an MBA at Fundação Instituto de Administração-FIA/University of São Paulo – USP (2008) and a Master of Business Administration and Marketing at CV&C/CDL, in the city of Fortaleza, state of Ceará, in 2002. Furthermore, he pursued Marketing and Management in the College of Business and Public Affairs of the University of Tennessee at Martin, USA, in 2001.

CEO’s Office

CEO’s Office
Ernesto Lima Cruz

Chief of Staff of the CEO’s Office

Ernesto Lima Cruz holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Pernambuco (UPE) and Law from Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro-UNI7 (Fortaleza-CE). He completed an MBA in Finance, Controlling, and Auditing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and a master’s degree in Business Management from UNIFBV-Wyden (Recife-PE). As a career employee for 42 years, he has held various technical positions, such as Auditor, and management roles, both in branches and in the bank’s General Management, including the position of State Superintendent of BNB in Pernambuco. He assumed the position of Chief of Staff on April 12, 2023.

Marketing and Communication Superintendence
Maria Evineide Silva Castro Dias

Marketing and Communication Superintendent

Evineide Dias has been working in the Financial Market since 2004. She has been a career employee of Banco do Nordeste since 2010. She earned a degree in Law, MBAs in Business Management; Commercial Management and Market Intelligence; Digital Marketing; Project Management, and Auditing. She also holds the ANBIMA Professional Certification – Series 20, Certification in Management and Process Transformation (Elogroup), and Governance Officer Certification (IBGC). She worked as a Relationship Manager for Individuals and Legal Entities in multinational institutions before joining BNB. At BNB, she served as a Relationship Manager for Legal Entities, a Relationship Manager with Government, Product and Service Banking Manager, and an Executive Manager in the Customer Service and Channels segment. In her career as a team manager, she worked as Manager of the Marketing Environment, the Environment of Assistance to Statutory Committees, the Product and Service Banking Environment, the Loan Products Environment, and Cards; and the Central of Product and Service Banking, in addition to acting as the interim Superintendent of Loans, Transactions, and Banking Services.

Legal Department
Marcel de Oliveira Franco Alvarenga

Legal Superintendent

Marcel de Oliveira Franco Alvarenga earned an undergraduate degree in Law from the Federal University of Ceará, a graduate degree in Business Law and Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Law and Conflict Management from the University of Fortaleza. He has been a lawyer at Banco do Nordeste since 2002, having served as manager of the Legal Consultancy Center of Branches, Legal Advisory in Credit Concession and Administration, Legal Litigation, and Data Privacy and Customer Relationship Guidelines, acting as a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) from September 2020 to April 2023, holding certifications as Data Protection Officer and Lead Implementer of Information Privacy Management, based on ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27701.

Board of Directors

Human Development Superintendence
Danielle Gonçalves e Silva

Human Development Superintendent

Danielle Gonçalves e Silva holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Fortaleza (Unifor) and an MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). She joined the Bank as a Trainee in 2000, working in several units and performing the following main functions: Disciplinary Audit Manager – representing BNB before control bodies as Internal Affairs Officer; Coordinator of Strategic Special Accounts Taking Project (TCE); Manager of Pronaf PE Credit Central; Manager of Retail PE Credit Central; Audit Manager; Dirge Executive Manager; Operational Credit Central Manager; Auditor; Business Manager; and currently serves as Human Development Superintendent.

Logistics and Property Superintendence
Wagner Paiva de Argolo

Logistics and Property Superintendent

Wagner Paiva de Argolo earned an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ), and an MBA in Credit Management and Asset Restructuring (INEPAD). He joined BNB in 2001 through the Trainee program, and worked in various organizational units, including as a General Manager in nine units, with experience in Asset Restructuring Management, Credit Analysis Centrals, Branches, Risk Management, and Credit Recovery Administration Superintendence, where he also served as Superintendent.


Information Technology Superintendence
Oscar Sarquis González Braga

Information Technology Superintendent

Oscar Sarquis, born in Fortaleza, Ceará, joined in Bank in January 2007. He assumed managerial roles in Technology Infrastructure where he remained until July 2021. He has since held the position of System Support Central Manager, focusing on structuring the system maintenance process. He later worked on the IT Architecture structuring, mainly in the development of new technology strategies. He earned a degree in Computer Sciences, an MBA in Business Administration, and a master’s degree in this area. He is a professor of Technology and Administration courses at various Higher Education institutions.

Third-Party Asset Management Board

Third-Party Asset Management Superintendence
Valdiane Martins Pessoa

Third-Party Asset Management Superintendence

Valdiane Pessoa earned an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the State University of Ceará, a specialization degree in Financial Administration from the University of Fortaleza, and an MBA in Business Management from FIA/USP. She holds Anbima’s CPA 20 and CEA certifications and Apimec’s CNI. She is a professional exempt from the Anbima CGA certification exam. She is accredited by CVM as a securities portfolio manager. She has worked in the General Board since 1988, having worked in the people management and financial departments (1994 to 2003), having held the positions of Business Manager and Executive Manager. Since 2003, she has worked in the third-party resources management department, where, until 2016, she was responsible for the fiduciary administration of investment funds managed by Banco do Nordeste. She is the Environment Manager, responsible for the distribution of investment funds managed by Banco do Nordeste and for the operationalization of tax incentives Finor and Reinvestment. She is currently responsible for the Third-Party Asset Management Superintendence.

Control and Risk Board

Controllership Superintendence
Aíla Maria Ribeiro de Almeida Medeiros

Superintendent of Controllership

Aíla Maria Ribeiro de Almeida Medeiros earned an undergraduate degree in Law from the University of Fortaleza (2003) and a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Federal University of Ceará (1990). She is currently the manager of the Accounting department at Banco do Nordeste do Brasil. She has experience in Administration, with an emphasis on Accounting.

Risk Management, Internal Controls, Compliance, and Security Superintendence
Gustavo Dorea Carneiro

Risk Management, Internal Controls, Compliance, and Security Superintendence

Gustavo Dorea Carneiro holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), a specialization degree in Finance from UNIFOR, an executive MBA from IBMEC-MG, and a master’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), with emphasis on Regional Development. He joined Banco do Nordeste in 2002 through the Trainee program and worked in various functions in branches in five Brazilian States. At CAPGV, he held the positions of Financial and Capital Markets Superintendent, Administration, and Credit Recovery (acting), and since 2019, he has been the Risk Management, Internal Controls, Compliance, and Security Superintendent.

Business Board

Crediamigo Superintendence
Helton Chagas Mendes

Crediamigo Superintendence

Helton Chagas Mendes was born in Brasília de Minas, a municipality in the State of Minas Gerais. He holds an undergraduate degree in Public Administration from the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES) and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He joined Banco do Nordeste in 1988, having started his preparation through the Banking Qualification Course (Salvador/BA class) and, since then, he has performed various management functions, acting since 2004 as Principal Unit Manager in the States of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Maranhão, and Ceará. He was State Superintendent of Maranhão and Superintendent of Branch Network Supervision, after holding the position of General Manager in branches in Barreiras, Feira de Santana, and Montes Claros. He currently serves as Urban Microfinance and Microenterprises Superintendent.

Agribusiness and Rural Microfinance Superintendence
Luiz Sérgio Farias Machado

Agribusiness and Rural Microfinance Superintendence

Luiz Sérgio Farias Machado holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, he is an Agronomist, specialized in Marketing and Strategic Planning from Fundação Dom Cabral and Kellogg Graduate School of Management, in Rural Administration from the University of Viçosa, and an international expert in Sustainable Rural Development, from IICA Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food of Spain. He has participated in various committees in the Federal Government. He is currently the Agribusiness and Rural Microfinance Superintendent of Banco do Nordeste and has also been superintendent of the Retail and Agribusiness department and Microfinance and Family Farming department. He has worked as a professor at Universidade Estácio de SÁ, teaching planning, entrepreneurship, general and strategic administration, and marketing.

Corporate and Government Affairs Superintendence
Emiliano Estevão da Paz Portela

Corporate and Government Affairs Superintendent

Emiliano Estevão da Paz Portela has been working at BNB since 2002. He earned an undergraduate degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Piauí and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He has worked in various areas of the institution, in technical and management positions, featuring on credit granting, credit recovery, financial recovery, and business, having held principal management positions in Credit Centrals, GERAT, and General Management, such as Credit, Exchange, Business, and Government Administration. He has been serving as Manager of Corporate Business and Credit Operations Structuring since 2019.

Branch Network Supervision Superintendence
Luiz Abel Amorim de Andrade

Branch Network Supervision Superintendence

Luiz Abel Amorim de Andrade has been a career employee of the institution for 17 years. He earned a master’s degree from FGV/EESP and has been the Branch Network Supervision Superintendent since December 2019. He has been the principal manager of several branches, as well as Management of the Branch Network Support. He graduated in Financial Management and holds an MBA in Controllership, Auditing, and Finance.

State Superintendence of Bahia
Pedro José de Lima Neto

State Superintendent of Bahia

Pedro José de Lima Neto holds an undergraduate degree in Administration, an International MBA in Finance from Indiana State University in partnership with FGV, and a master’s degree in Finance from Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS). A career employee of Banco do Nordeste since 2005, he worked in several units in the State of Bahia, including in the Credit Administration Management at the Superintendence and principal management of the Araci and Catu branches (also located in Bahia).

State Superintendence of Paraíba
João Nilton Castro Martins

State Superintendent of Paraíba

João Nilton Castro Martins holds a master’s degree in Administration from Faculdade de Estudos Administrativos de MG (FEAD) and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He is a Psychologist graduated from Universidade Pitágoras de Montes Claros (MG). Throughout his professional career, he has held various management positions in the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, and the Northeast of Brazil. In 1995, he was appointed as Business Manager of the Fortaleza-Downtown Branch. Also in 1995, he took over as Manager of the Natal-Downtown Branch, acting in the same role at the Natal-Prudente de Morais Branch after 1998. In 2001, he was appointed Regional Superintendent of the States of Paraíba and Pernambuco, where he worked until 2004. He was the manager of the branches in Montes Claros(MG) from 2004 to 2009 and Belo Horizonte (MG) between 2009 and 2012. In the same year, he became the State Superintendent of Rio Grande do Norte, returning to management of the State of Pernambuco in 2013. In 2014, he assumed the State Superintendence of the State of Minas Gerais.

State Superintendence of Alagoas
Sidinei Reis dos Santos

State Superintendent of Alagoas

Sidinei Reis dos Santos joined BNB in September 2006. He is certified by the Advanced Management Program – APG/Company: Amana-Key. Bachelor of Law. State Superintendent, Environment Manager, Principal Manager of large-sized branches (capital and interior), Business Manager, and Executive Manager.

State Superintendence of Minas Gerais
Wesley Mácio Gonçalves Maciel

State Superintendent of Minas Gerais

Wesley Mácio Gonçalves Maciel is the institution’s superintendent for the State of Minas Gerais. He has served as branch manager in these two states and has also led the Superintendencies of Paraíba and Alagoas. He holds an undergraduate degree in Administration from the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), with specializations in Business Management from Santo Agostinho College and Dairy Livestock from Rehagro/Newton Paiva. He earned an MBA in Financial Administration from the University of Fortaleza (Unifor) and a master’s degree in Administration, with emphasis in Marketing, defended at Fundação Capixaba de Pesquisa e Extensão (Fucape Business School).

State Superintendence of Pernambuco
Hugo Luiz de Queiroz

State Superintendent of Pernambuco

Hugo Luiz de Queiroz has an academic background in Law, with specialization degrees in Civil Law and Civil Procedure. He joined BNB in 2006, accumulating management experiences at different levels, including working as an auditor.

State Superintendence of Sergipe
Antônio César de Santana

State Superintendent of Sergipe

Antônio César de Santana joined Banco do Nordeste at the age of 16, in 1984, as a banking apprentice in Salvador (BA). He currently serves as the State Superintendent of BNB in Sergipe, a role he has held for the second time in this State. Throughout his career at the institution, where he has accumulated 38 years as an employee, he has held positions such as head of the rural department and head of the operational department, both in Propriá (SE), credit advisor at the Analysis Center in Aracaju (SE), business manager of the Aracaju Siqueira Campos (SE) and Aracaju Centro (SE) branches, general manager of the BNB branches in Laranjeiras (SE), Boquim (SE), Itabaiana (SE), Aracaju Centro, as well as State superintendent of BNB in Alagoas. A native of Propriá (SE), he holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Federal University of Sergipe, with a graduate degree in Financial Management from Universidade Tiradentes. He holds CPA-10 and CPA-20 certifications, both awarded by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (AMBIMA). He has participated in several courses with Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and attended the World Strategies Forum (HSM Expomanagement) in São Paulo for several years. Graduation: Bachelor of Economics – Economist graduated from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Postgraduate: Specialist in Financial Management from Universidade Tiradentes (Unit). ANBIMA Professional Certifications (CPA-10 and CPA-20), both awarded by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (AMBIMA).

State Superintendent of Ceará
Eliane Libânio Brasil de Matos

State Superintendent of Ceará

She holds an undergraduate degree in Accounting from UFC, a graduate degree in Administration and Business from Faculdade Christus, and an Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral. She has worked at Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A. for 33 years, being the first woman to hold a position on the Executive Board of BNB. She has held various positions, including Chief of the Communication Advisory, Human Development Superintendent, Logistics Superintendent, Banking Products and Services Superintendent, and Head of the Corporate University of Banco do Nordeste. She was President of the Deliberative Council of Camed (Assistance Fund for BNB Employees). She holds professional financial certifications CPA-20, issued by ANBIMA, and Ombudsman, by OMD Solutions for Ombudsmen.

State Superintendence of Espírito Santo
Lourenzo de Oliveira

State Superintendent of Espírito Santo

Lourenzo de Oliveira is a native of Itapemirim and has been a Banco do Nordeste employee for over 18 years. He built his career in Bahia and his most recent role was manager of the Santo Amaro branch. Graduated in Public Management from the Educational College of Lapa, he holds an MBA in Coaching and Competency Management from Cândido Mendes University and in Tax Management from Anísio Teixeira College.

State Superintendent of Maranhão
Isaque Costa do Nascimento

State Superintendent of Maranhão

Isaque Costa do Nascimento is a native of Balsas, a career employee of BNB for 15 years. He earned undergraduate degrees in Administration and Law, specialization degrees in Business Management, Agribusiness Administration, and Human Resources Management, as well as the Professional Certification CPA 20, by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities. Throughout his career at Banco do Nordeste, for the past 10 years, he has worked in main management positions, managing the branches in Açailândia (MA), Balsas (MA), and Imperatriz (MA), and also assumed the management of the State Superintendence of Maranhão temporarily, on three occasions.

State Superintendence of Piauí
Francisco das Chagas Sousa Lopes

State Superintendent of Piauí

Francisco das Chagas Sousa Lopes is a career employee of Banco do Nordeste, having joined the Bank in 1977. He holds graduate degrees in Financial Management, Tourism, and Hospitality Management, from Centro Universitário Uninta-CE (2020), and in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV/RJ (1999); Bachelor of Economics from Centro Universitário Uninta-CE, starting in 2022; Bachelor of Arts in Letters from AEDA-PE, completion in 1993. He has held main branch management positions since 1983, working in the States of Pernambuco, Paraíba, Maranhão, and Piauí. He also held the position of State Superintendent of Maranhão and Piauí, for more than 5 years, on an interim basis. He holds Anbima’s CPA 20 Certification, Advanced Management Program APG Amana-Key, and Advanced Manager Development Course – FGV, among several courses and training sessions conducted by the Bank and other Entities.

State Superintendence of Rio Grande do Norte
Jeová Lins de Sá

State Superintendent of Rio Grande do Norte

Jeová Lins de Sá is a native of Aparecida, Paraíba. An economist with MBAs in Business Management and Project Management from FGV-RJ and specialization in Strategic Business and Services Management from Faculdade Focus – Cascavel-PR. He started at BNB in the Souza-PB Unit in 1978 and has worked, throughout his career, in fifteen other Bank Units. He has been a principal manager since 1987, having managed the Units of Mossoró, Salvador Comércio, Recife Agamenon Magalhães (twice), Paulista-PE, Fortaleza Aldeota, Natal Roberto Freire (twice), and Jaboatão dos Guararapes. Among the experiences in his banking career, noteworthy are directing credit in a productive and irrigated fruit farming-oriented manner in Mossoró, setting up Tourism Development Poles in Bahia, with a focus on the Costa do Descobrimento Center, discussing the Logical Framework of Prodetur NE II and in Pernambuco, synergistic work with FIEPE for Export Promotion.

Planning Board

Superintendence of Loans, Transactions, and Banking Services
José Andrade Costa

Superintendence of Loans, Transactions, and Banking Services

José Andrade Costa has experience in managing business enterprises; Experience in socio-political institutional articulation; Skills in people and process management; People management with a focus on business results; and Leadership in high-performance teams. Specialization: MBA in Strategic Marketing – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – Ongoing; Specialization: MBA in Business Management – FIA – Banco do Nordeste/University of São Paulo (USP); Higher Education: Bachelor of History – State University of Ceará; ANBIMA professional certification – CPA-20; Qualification as an Insurance Broker for all branches – Superintendence of Private Insurance – SUSEP – Ministry of Economy. Experience at Banco do Nordeste: Human Development Superintendent; Information Technology Superintendent; Chief of the CEO’s Office; Credit Concession and Central Credit Administration Superintendent; Information Technology Superintendent; Credit Recovery Superintendent; Credit and Product Management Superintendent; General Manager of the Specialized Credit Products Environment; Executive Manager in the Branch Network Supervision Superintendence; Executive Manager in the Project Analysis Central of Ceará; General Monitoring and Control Manager; General Manager of the Project Analysis Central of Bahia; General Manager of the Project Analysis Central of Rio Grande do Norte; General Manager of the Mossoró Branch.

Superintendence of Strategy and Organization
Romildo Carneiro Rolim

Superintendent of Strategy and Organization

Romildo Carneiro Rolim has been a member of the Board of Directors of Banco do Nordeste (BNB) since April 4, 2023, and represents the Company’s Employees. He is an accountant, administrator, business management expert, and specialist in international rules and standards of internal audit, and pursued a master’s degree in Public Policy Assessment. He also received the CPA-10 and CPA-20 certifications issued by ANBIMA. Moreover, he worked at agencies, held technical positions related to project analysis and monitoring, and managed the Credit Transactions Analysis and Monitoring Environment, the Ceará State Credit Recovery Unit, the Internal Control Environment, and the Internal Audit Environment. He also served as Superintendent of Financial and Capital Markets Operations, Superintendent of Asset Restructuring, and Superintendent of Credit Concession. He was Financial and Credit Director from Jul/2014 to Dec/2017, and President of Banco do Nordeste from Dec/2017 to May/2020 (1st term) and from Jun/2020 to Sep/2021 (2nd term).

Sustainable Development Policies Superintendence
Irenaldo Rubens Nunes Soares

Sustainable Development Policies Superintendent

Irenaldo Rubens Nunes Soares holds an undergraduate degree in Accounting from the State University of Ceará (UECE), an MBA in Finance from Estácio de Sá University, and a Professional Certification Anbima Series 20 (CPA-20). He joined the Bank through a public tender as a higher-level Trainee on 12/06/2000. He has extensive experience gained from working in various units and performing various commissioned functions, including Manager of Sustainable Development Policies; Executive Advisor to the CEO’s Office; Advisor to the Third-Party Asset Board; Executive Manager of the General Board; Business Manager of the General Board; Executive Manager of the State Superintendence; Branch Executive Manager; Branch Business Manager.

Financial and Credit Board

Credit Management and Recovery Superintendence
Zerbini Guerra de Medeiros

Credit Management and Recovery Superintendent

Zerbini Guerra de Medeiros holds an undergraduate degree in Law from the Federal University of Maranhão, with a graduate degree in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He has completed several executive courses with Fundação Dom Cabral and AMANA-KEY.  At Banco do Nordeste, he has worked as the main manager in business units, such as Branch Manager and Executive Manager of State Superintendence; technical units, such as the Large Customer Credit Central; and strategic positions, such as Superintendent of Credit Concession and Credit Central Administration, and currently as Superintendent of Credit Administration and Recovery.

Loans Granted Superintendence
João Robério Pereira de Messias

Loans Granted Superintendence

João Robério Pereira de Messias was hired on December 19, 1978; born in Anadia (AL). He has served as Superintendent of Sustainable Development Policies, Manager of the Logistics Services and Administrative Contracts Environment; Superintendent of Products and Banking Services; State Superintendent of Ceará; President of Camed; Superintendent of Risk and Credit Analysis Area; Superintendent of Branch Network Supervision; State Superintendent of Bahia; General Manager of the João Pessoa Centro Branch; Internal Auditor at the Audit Superintendence in Recife; General Manager of the Santana do Ipanema Agency (AL).  Specialization: MBA course in Business Management; Training and Competitiveness – Business Consulting; Higher Education: Law degree from Unifor; Accounting Course (Cesmac); High School: Technical Course in Accounting.

Financial and Capital Market Operations Superintendence
Sandra dos Santos Souza Lisbôa

Financial and Capital Market Operations Superintendent

Sandra dos Santos Souza Lisbôa holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Chemical Engineering (Federal University of Bahia), three specialization degrees – in business management (FGV); financial management, controllership, and auditing (FGV); and investment management (Estácio de Sá). Certifications ANBIMA (CPA 20, CGA, CGE, and CFG), Apimec (CNPI), and in Ombudsman (Febraban). She is currently the Financial Operations and Capital Markets Superintendent. She joined BNB as a trainee in 2000, has already served as Director of Third Party Assets, and held various positions in the Bank, notably in the financial area of the Bank. She is authorized to provide services as a Securities Portfolio Administrator – CVM.


Claudio Luiz Freire Lima


A career employee of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A, currently holding the position of Ombudsman. He was the Director of Administration from 07/05/2017 to 06/01/2020. He worked in branches and held technical and advisory positions related to Organization and Methods, Planning, Technology, and Logistics activities. He acted as an instructor and lecturer in disciplines such as Information Security, Banking Security, Prevention and Fight of Money Laundering, Information Systems Audit, and Information Technology. He managed the Information Security Organizational Units, Corporate Security, Data Processing Center (DPC), Strategic IT Planning Center, and Banking Systems Development. He also served as Executive Advisor to the Administration Superintendence, Information Technology Superintendent, and Ombudsman Superintendent. Graduated in Philosophy from the State University of Ceará (UECE-1998). He participated in Executive Academy Programs, Leadership Development Program (PDL), Strategic Management, Marketing Management, People Management, and Managerial Skills Development. He holds an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC-2003), a Specialization degree in Business Security from Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA-2004), a Professional Certification in Business Security Analyst (ASE-2007), and an Ombudsman Certification from the Brazilian Ombudsman Association (ABO-2016). He completed the Master Business Security program from Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvaro Penteado (FECAP-2009).

Audit Superintendence

Arnaldo de Morais Moreira Fernandes Vieira

Audit Superintendence

Arnaldo de Morais Moreira Fernandes Vieira holds a degree in Accounting from the University of Fortaleza (Unifor), specialization degrees in Controllership and Accounting Management from Unifor, and Agribusiness from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), an Executive MBA in Financial Business from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), and an MBA in International Audit Standards and Standards. A career employee for 38 years, having held various technical and management positions, either in branches or in the Bank’s General Board, including as an Audit Manager and Environment Manager in the Coordination and Control Environment.
